car loan calculator
CalcPayments(float $newCarPrice, float $tradeInAllowance, float $tradeInLoanBalance, float $downPaymentAndRebates, float $loanDuration, float $salesTaxRate, float $interestRate) : array
Calculate what the payments would be from the price of the new car and the parameters of the monthly loan payments
float | $newCarPrice | price of the car new |
float | $tradeInAllowance | trade-in value |
float | $tradeInLoanBalance | loan balance after trade-in |
float | $downPaymentAndRebates | total amount of rebates plus downpayment |
float | $loanDuration | loan duration in months |
float | $salesTaxRate | sales tax as percentage |
float | $interestRate | interest rate as percentage |
payments and total interest
CalcAffordability(float $monthlyPayment, float $tradeInAllowance, float $tradeInLoanBalance, float $downPaymentAndRebates, float $loanDuration, float $salesTaxRate, float $interestRate) : float
Calculate the price of the car from the monthly loan payment information
float | $monthlyPayment | monthly payment amount |
float | $tradeInAllowance | trade-in value |
float | $tradeInLoanBalance | loan balance after trade-in |
float | $downPaymentAndRebates | total amount of rebates plus downpayment |
float | $loanDuration | loan duration in months |
float | $salesTaxRate | sales tax rate as percentage |
float | $interestRate | interest rate as percentage |
target price with tax and fees